We run all our surgeries by an appointment-only system. Appointments can be booked by telephoning the surgery on 0161 773 2483. Our telephone lines are open from 8.00 am until 6.30 pm. Please do not attend the Surgery to book your appointment.
When you call the Surgery to book an appointment you will be asked a number of questions from our highly trained Reception Team. Please be patient and give as much detail as possible about the nature of your call, this will ensure you are placed with the correct Clinician or Service.
It is not always necessary to see a Doctor, other services are often more appropriate such as the Pharmacy, Opticians or NHS 111 for advice.
At the moment we will not be pre booking any GP appointments, although appointments with our Nursing Team should be pre booked.
As always, our systems are under constant review.
We would like to thank you for all your patience as we try and deal with the huge demand we have at the moment for our services.
Cancelling appointments
An unacceptable number of appointments are wasted each week due to the fact that patients simply do not turn up. We would strongly urge you to cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend as your appointment slot will always be taken by another patient.
We appreciate it can be difficult to get through on the phone at certain times but would appreciate being given as much prior notice as possible.